Tosa Exchange's compliance information

Our approach to ensuring compliance in the industry


As Tosa Exchange we know and understand that criminals often use financial institutions such as banks and crypto exchanges to convert money that has been stolen or gotten illegally as a means to make it seem like the money was received and earned legitimately and we understand this process to be Money Laundering which is an illegal act in many countries of the world. These funds are often used to fund more crime and in some instances terrorism.

Most countries have put in place counter terrorism financing (CTF) policies and it is our intention to follow these policies and in instances where there isn’t a clear policy regarding such, we at Tosa Exchange have taken a decision to make it high priority to prevent money laundering by implementing anti-money laundering (AML) and CTF policies and procedures internally as a best practice.

Our framework and guidelines regarding AML and CTF are as follows:

  1. We perform a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedure where we collect personal information of everyone registering on our platform and we collect information such as names, email, residential address and in some instances we collect your proof of address and identification documents.

  2. We store your KYC records for a prescribed amount of time

  3. We keep record and track of high risk individuals such as politically exposed persons (PEPs) or individuals performing large transactions on our platform.

  4. We may place limits on the amounts of transactions performed by our users on deposits and withdrawals per a specific period of time.

  5. We report any suspicious activity such as money laundering to authorities

  6. We provide training on our framework and awareness to all our employees.